Clean Lifestyle with Clean Cafe

August 1, 2020

I’d like to think that this pandemic is not all about negative news and wasted dreams although the word itself and the news about it reflect all the bad things we can think about. Whilst I can write about my horrible experiences these past few months, I’d like to keep this blog as a helpful hand and as light as it can possibly be. After all, great stories happen over plates and dining tables.

As I’ve mentioned, these past few months have reminded me of several things that I would shrug away before because I am preoccupied with chasing dreams and deadlines.  When the “old normal” fell into the drain, we all realized that we needed to go back to some basic principles and re-learn things that are supposed to be vital in our daily living.
Taking care of our health.
Raise your hand if in the past few years you have been living a sedentary lifestyle. I was and partially still right now. I could go on a day in front of my phone surfing and with a click from that pink app for a fast-food delivery, my rest day can go on so easily. I knew I needed to eat well but I never felt the need to be compelled to eat well until this health crisis happened.
If you noticed, or maybe it was just me, many people during the quarantine realized the same. Good thing there are also small businesses that opened before the pandemic and started introducing plant-based lifestyle to encourage eating well and provide equally delicious alternatives to many of our “comfort food” which usually comprises of meat.
I was following a friend’s story on Instagram and finally, I was able to visit a few moons ago, and never stopped visiting with my friends.
Clean Cafe is open at the newest dining hub in the city along Tulip Drive.
Advocating for a clean lifestyle.
No. I am not going to convince you to go plant-based all throughout but I think this blog post will convince you to eat and try new items that will change your perception of vegetables–it is not all law-oy or chop suey or salad or ampalaya with egg, despite how yummy that is for some. You may be surprised how food would taste almost the same but it doesn’t have the usual ingredients like dairy or animal meat. Pancakes, pizza, sushi rolls, breakfast toast, wraps, and bread.
On a personal note, some items I tried at Clean Cafe actually taste better than its ordinary counterpart like the sushi rolls which I am so crazy about!!
Clean lifestyle also doesn’t involve food per se. It is a day to day living which I adore so much about Clean Cafe wherein, if possible, they try to incorporate sustainable options in dining. So much in their store is organic and they would put in extra effort to promote clean living such as no plastic (super yey although they are using some plastic in the utensils now for disinfection purposes which is acceptable)
Sustainable doesn’t have to be from big companies.
Many people perceive sustainability as a responsibility only for huge corporations and those small businesses can only help by lessening plastic straw usage to comply. Part and parcel, that helps but going beyond is what I saw with Clean Cafe. Aside from lessening plastic, they also source out ingredients from local suppliers and even growing some of them in their homes! It takes a toll at times when some ingredients like avocado are not available because its a seasonal fruit in the Philippines but I believe that they have been exerting a great effort to promote local sourcing of ingredients.
Creating a small business that promotes this culture is a huge step for Davao City. And again sustainability isn’t just about protecting the environment but also creating a way of living that enables you to endure for the future.
So so so…without further ado, let me show some photos from my previous visits at Clean Cafe. If you happen to drop by Tulip Drive, why not try a dish or two from this equally relaxing and IG-worthy place. Don’t go to romantic pig. It has a long queue and it isn’t romantic if you have hypertension 😅😆😜
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